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Telesangha for Bodies that Squawk


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About the Course

Join a compassionate community of meditators for weekday morning live guided meditations. We come home to our bodies, uncover the unified ground of our heart, mind and sensations, and open to the unified ground of all beings. Each Monday we attune to the unified field of fundamental consciousness pervading us and all beings. Each Friday we offer time for reflections, questions, and observations. Many people have found Telesangha to be an enriching way to sense the support of community around their mindfulness practice. We invite you to participate for the first week at no charge. To register or to learn more, contact Ruth.

Your Instructor

Ruth Zanoni

Ruth Zanoni

Ruth Zanoni, a seasoned mindfulness teacher, brings her deep understanding and expertise in the realm of embodiment and self-kindness to her work. Her training in mindfulness has been cultivated from over 45 years of practice and formal studies. Her meditation practice evolved to Insight Meditation in about 2009, including Insight Dialogue in 2017, and has been practicing the Realization Process for over a decade. Ruth has worked with individuals, families, educational institutions, and businesses in navigating challenging terrain, including living with, working with, and/or caring for people with acute and chronic illness, neurological differences, and/or trauma.

© 2023 by Ruth Zanoni 

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