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Realization Process


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About the Course

The Realization Process is based on deep contact with the internal space of our body and is a direct path to embodied nondual awakening. I offer Realization Process practices in Telesangha for Bodies that Squawk and am working, one-on-one, with Realization Process students to help them attune to their inner experience, unwind holding patterns in their bodies, and uncover the fundamental unfragmented ground of their own being. I plan on offering a course, Introduction to the Realization Process, in the near future. Please contact Ruth if you are interested in the class, would like to learn more, or so we can work together.

Your Instructor

Ruth Zanoni

Ruth Zanoni

My training in mindfulness has been cultivated from over 45 years of practice. I began practicing Insight Meditation in about 2009 and included Insight Dialogue in 2017. My formal studies in mindfulness include:

Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (2021), Certificate from the Greater Good Science Center
Judith Blackstone’s Realization Process (Fully Certified Teacher of Realization Process, 2023)
Roshi Joan Halifax’s GRACE program (2021)
David Treleaven’s Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Training (2019) and his Advanced Training (2022)
The Healing Trauma Program (2022)
Thomas Hubl’s Collective Trauma (2021)

My work is informed by extensive training in nonviolent communication, restorative practices, and mediation. I also have a JD from the University of California, San Francisco, College of Law. I guide in the lineage of Dipa Ma, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Sebene Selassi, Ruth King, Judith Blackstone, Amma Thanasanti, Stan Eisenstein and Cynthia Wilcox.

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