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Inviting Chronic Pain & Illness to Tea (ICPIT) - starts January 7, 2025


$700 - Scholarship Upon Request


18 Weeks

About the Course

Chronic pain and/or illness shapes the relationship we have with our minds, bodies, and hearts. This course is for those seeking to change their relationship with a chronic struggle that they perceive as an obstacle to living life fully.

Research has shown that cultivating mindfulness practices can have a significant effect on well-being in the presence of pain and illness. Informed by the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, Judith Blackstone, Tara Brach, and others, this course will provide tools participants can use to reframe their experience and embrace what is. As we get to know the experience of pain or illness more intimately, new avenues for well-being open up.

Through experiential exercises, meditations, group discussions, community-building and home practice, participants will learn to deepen their awareness of themselves as much more than the pain or illness.

This 17-week course offers 9 bi-weekly classes where new content will be offered, and 8 bi-weekly practice sessions to integrate learning and cultivate community. The extended length helps participants more fully integrate the teachings and practices into their lives.

The course cultivates several foundations:

  • Mindfulness – a recognizing and allowing of physical and emotional experiences at deeper and deeper levels

  • Heart Practices – including self-kindness, gratitude, working through grief

  • Embodiment – learning to bring attention more and more fully into the body so that it starts to feel more like home

  • Community – building connections with others who are learning to navigate similar challenges and share common experiences..

    The course includes:

  • Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices

  • Group dialogue and discussions aimed at community-building and working through challenges

  • Daily home practice

  • Bi-weekly practice and discussion sessions

  • 15 recorded guided meditations and a home practice manual


I have learned so many new ways to relate to my very real challenges, with acceptance, with perspective, with self-compassion, with an understanding of the effects of negative thoughts on my body, and of needing things to be a certain way. –Lucy

A life changer! I have gained a new perspective on how to be ok with the disease instead of wanting it to go away...The safe space created, a sense of community for healing and growing. Being in the body instead of resisting it. -Luciana

The 17 weeks, alternating class with practice session was really beneficial in allowing me to fully grasp material of one class over two weeks. The small groups fostered a sense of community which was great. Stan and Ruth, both good teachers with a lot of compassion and patience, they balanced each other well. –Mary Ellen

First Session Free

Session one is an introduction meant to help you evaluate if the course is right for you. The formal course begins on session two. Because of this, we offer a full refund until the second session. We are not able to offer refunds after the second session.

Scholarship Procedure

If you need financial assistance, apply for a scholarship by clicking the Contact Us button below before registering. You can also direct a donation to the scholarship fund on the registration form. Please apply early as funds are limited.

Join us online

Participants will be emailed the connection link before the event begins.

Register here

This class is offered through Insight Meditation Community of Washington, D.C. Registration opens October 9, 2024. You can register here.


Your Instructor

Ruth Zanoni & Stan Eisenstein

Ruth Zanoni & Stan Eisenstein

Ruth Zanoni, Stan Eisenstein, Jean George and Luciana Bomeny are seasoned mindfulness teachers with lived experience of living with chronic pain and/or chronic illness.

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