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From a Telesangha member after her first session: “A quick note to tell you that this morning’s Telesangha was wonderful.  I experienced a sense of calmness and truly inhabiting my body more deeply than I have before. And although it was my first time, I actually felt community. Thank you for making this available to us.”


From Writing Practice Participant:  “I can say with absolute confidence that there's no one better or more qualified to lead humans in any nourishing practice than you [Ruth], wonderful you. So yay … for the humans who receive the great gift of being guided by your amazing, radiant mind, heart, and spirit.”


2022 ICPIT graduate about the community that flowed from her ICPIT class: "I was fortunate to take ICPIT – a great class – after the class we formed groups that continue to meet. My group meets weekly and every time we meet we confess that we are thinking about not coming and then we get there, relax, we have some fun. By the end we all feel better. We stay in touch throughout the week. A constant source of joy for me. Coming to our sangha [Telesangha for Bodies that Squawk] on weekday mornings feels related to that for me. This sangha [Telesangha] is part of my daily dose of joy." 


2023 ICPIT graduate: “I have a greater awareness of myself and ways to cultivate joy and meaning into my life. One teaching that has stayed with me is to find new strategies to meet your needs instead of relying on old strategies. Stan and Ruth create a safe and supportive community to learn, share, and grow.”


From a Telesangha member: “I feel so grounded from these practices. Remembering to breathe into the whole body is a moment of rescue. Learning to call on that in moments when I need it. Also learning to inhabit my body. I remember the first meditation, one year ago, it felt like the first time I really relaxed in as long as I can remember. I carry trauma in my body and I’m slowly learning to be in my body, to be okay in my body, to feel it’s connection to the space that pervades everything. It is a slow process and it is real and I am so grateful.”


From a Telesangha member: “I try to come as often as possible. These practices are so grounding, they help sustain me through really hard times. Each of the practices. Remembering to breathe into the whole body, even the bones.”


2023 ICPIT graduate: “Ruth, I can’t even describe the effect your radiant kindness and compassion have had on me during this course. It is clear that you were born to be of service, that your dharma, whatever your job, profession or avocation might be, is to help others and I feel very blessed to have received that kind and compassionate sharing from you. I appreciate your wisdom and experience and that gentle humor that lights up your eyes and smile. I have learned a lot from your languaging, your leadership, and your way of getting to the heart of the matter.” 


2023 ICPIT graduate: “This class, far beyond the content of the meditations, provides a beautiful and welcoming learning environment with a fantastic community of people who /get it/ in a way that is so hard to find. I learned meditation techniques, the skill of practice, and how to apply my learnings in my day to day life. I also made great friends who I can continue to work with on my meditation journey and who teach me so much in every conversation. It's a great class, and I recommend everyone take it.”


2023 ICPIT graduate: “IPCIT far surpassed my hopes and expectations in every way. I love knowing I can listen to meditations, talks and lessons over and over again to absorb the many gems from each recording. This is a well designed course specific to the needs of those of us who are dealing with physical challenges and creates the inner and outer space needed to support desired change when the body's changes aren't as amenable to the choices we would like to make. Coming to accept the pain and illness while practicing self forgiveness and self acceptance is the gilded lily of this course.”


2023 ICPIT graduate: “First, I want to say that I’m finding the class extremely helpful and feel very lucky that there is such a high-quality class available for those of us dealing with these issues. The resources and teachings you two provide are fabulous and accessing them is easy thanks to amazing organization and communication.  Thank-you!”


2022 Inviting Chronic Pain & Illness to Tea (ICPIT) graduate: "Ruth's profound journey with illness, a bit about which I've heard her share, has shown me the possibility that ease, grace, and acceptance are available even while experiencing the greatest of all challenges. For me this has been a teaching beyond measure. After being in a Telesangha meditation group with her as a spiritual friend for four years, this is my experience:  her heart is genuine, her mind is wise and processed, her practice is deep, and she has skillful leadership. Ruth is a true treasure to my life and to my path.  May she be to yours."  

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