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Come home, and live fully in the unified space of your life-long companion – your body

Chronic pain and/or illness can shape the relationship

we have with our minds, bodies and hearts.


Research has shown that the cultivation of mindfulness practices can have a significant effect

on well-being in the presence of pain and illness.


Informed by the work of Judith Blackstone, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Kristin Neff and others, the following courses provide tools participants can use to reframe their experience and embrace what is.


As we get to know the experience of pain or illness more intimately,

new avenues for well-being open up.

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My name is Ruth Zanoni

I had an epiphany in my teens, that my true calling in life was to plant and nourish the seeds of peace and understanding. I’ve spent my life living with, working with, and caring for people with acute and chronic illnesses, neurological differences, and trauma.


As a body-centered, trauma-informed meditation teacher, I create sacred space for deep embodied inquiry. We can live, compassionately with ease, clarity and joy. We can open ourselves to our interconnectedness with all beings and our planet. 


If you are navigating challenging pain, illness, conflict, self-criticism, grief, or despair, or traveling this path with others, I invite you to contact me.

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